Thursday, March 5, 2009

SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization procedure can bring targeted visitors if it is done in a likely way. Please keep in mind that SEO can spoil your web site, if it is done to vary search engine results. I mean we have to highlight our plus points, we need not to intention result pages by hook or crook.

Selection of Keywords
Keyword selection depends on these main factors:

1.) Number of visitors it will bring to my website.
2.) Work involved in achieving top ranking for a keyword.
3.) Bottom line: business we do if achieved.
Number of visitors it will bring to my website
We should think in natural, do a simple research, do people really search for that keyword? I counsel collecting keywords related to your business just by plain supposition and write in a notepad.
Find out all related keywords / variations.
Now, use available keyword selector tools to find out number of search volume for each keyword
Work implicated in achieving top ranking for a keyword
At this stage I will have a ready list of all keywords and number of visitors prospect if I accomplish high ranking. Now we should arrange our list in descending order, maximum searched keyword first next the lower one.

Here we have to figure out, how much I have to work to attain noticeable position in search result. To get an idea we can do simple search in search engines, we have some tools ready for this purpose what we can use. We should cross check this part with all authority tools and by doing simple searches in search engines before coming to a conclusion.

By end of this arena we should treat our keyword list, sort it based on complexity in ascending order. Now select the keyword; "easiest to target" and "maximum visitors" on first place, next the difficult one. Create another list, and please don’t run off a keyword too difficult to achieve, it can bring very sweet gifts. You can keep them as last targeted.
On-Page optimization
On-page optimization is important step of SEO where we deal with the pages itself. My opinion on the most important elements

Magic can happen if and if we have a web page where, there is enough scope for it. We should have high-quality content, an adequate amount of content associated to our business / services / products we offer. We should write / illustrate our services / products / business in a way people can understand and appreciate, then only they are going to use it
And yes make sure that you have your targeted keywords included in the content on your pages in a natural way.
Make sure that the text is unique, if it is the same as on other web pages it can be caught by search engines as duplicate web page. Now a days search engines are smart enough to understand this.

Easy navigation
We should make sure that the search engine spiders can follow the inner links on your site. If I have a dynamic web site based on a database it is beneficial to use mod-rewrite to get the best possible benefit out of it.
If I have lot of pages on my web site and they are very deep down in the navigation tree of 3 or more clicks; than I need to use a sitemap and a link to it from each page of site. Sitemap makes is easy for search engines to find all pages

Off-Page optimization
1.) Selection of resources; which is related to our website
2.) One way links; to website home page and internal pages
3.) Popularize your website on internet.

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